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Vincent DeLisi


A child prodigy in art, Vincent DeLisi always had paper, pencils and crayons in hand throughout his boyhood. He envisioned his own comic book at fifteen, complete with figurative metaphors of “good” and “evil”. Each individual was drawn with vivid detail and superb character. Not only does his richly colored, elaborately dressed characters adapt postures, mannerisms, movement, and dialogue but his story lines also touch a chord with questions that lead us on our own personal triumphs. Vincent brought them all to life.

This audacious start propelled DeLisi to complete a twoyear program to achieve his Advertising Art & Design Diploma. Vincent is both an illustrator and author of comic strips for over fifteen years; as well as a talented painter and creator. His artwork is all distinct, they all bear the signature of the budding Long Island artist. DeLisi began selling his work to clients that hired him for murals, portraits, paintings, company logo’s and various promotional merchandising. Then in 2005, Vincent began positioning his artwork before the public eye. Exhibiting exclusively at art shows, street fairs and local art galleries. His work ranges from pen and ink, marker, oil and acrylic paintings, mixed media, comic characters, wake boards, still life, landscapes, and more. Vincent is constantly challenging himself to explore new techniques and creations. This lead to him winning many different art awards during this time.

Vincent runs his own construction company with his father and brother as a master craftsman. In his free time, DeLisi enjoys spending time on his boat with his family and friends, fishing and clamming where he finds much inspiration.

Awards & Achievements











The Gallery North Outdoor Show and Music Festival: Honorable Mention in Graphic and Drawing

The Greater Westhampton Chamber of Commerce 46th Annual Art Show:

Second in Mixed Media

Sayville Summer Festival Craft Show: 

First Place

The Brookhaven Arts & Humanities Council, Phoenix Gallery 

Best in Show

I-Con 26

Best Amateur First Place, Best Multi Media

I-Con 25

Best Amateur First Place, Best Multi Media

Patchogue Art Show
Honorable Mention for Mixed Media

National Vocational-Technical Honor Society

National Vocational-Technical Honor Society

Bay Area Friends of Fine Arts Awards

Past Experience







Designed a Rock Band Logo

Displayed at 'The Catbird Seat' in Sayville, NY (April & August)

Featured in "Five artists we found on Bellport Lane"

Showed at 'Phoenix Gallery' in Bellport, NY
Multiple Receptions

Artist at The BAHC "Summer of Fine Art" at the Port Jefferson Village Center
June through August

Appeared on a segment of Anthropology of Art, a Cablevision public access show

Shown in a local restaurant in Port Jefferson

Member of South Bay Art Association, Bellport, NY

Designed a CD album for Solace In Ruins, a local rock band

Member of Wet Paints Studio Group, Sayville, NY

The Press of Manorville and The Moriches in the Art & Living section

Comic Strips featured in several monthly publications in the Joanʼs View Newspaper

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